Oil Paintings

057 Couple On Park Bench


Oil on canvas unframed


230mm x 152mm


This piece has now sold. For all commission enquiries please contact Hannah.

About this piece…

This small canvas painting expresses beautifully a peaceful composition with two figures on a park bench. Balance is created by the tree to the right and the tree towards the left of the painting. Pattern is created by the five separate areas depicted in the painting.

The foreground being the first, painted in thick impasto dabs and dashes of varying shades of greens, with suggestion of brown, and whites. The second, expresses a calm of whites, and grey whites of the pathway. The third area strongly highlighted in lemon yellow furthermore creates a beautiful contrast with the farthest area of deep blue greens, with fresh olive greens, and lemon yellows, with off white dabs and dashes of thick impasto paint suggestive of the distant trees. The fourth area, just infront, being the continued pathway, gives a wonderfully dramatic edge to the dark foliage behind.

The small railing separating the grass area from the path area, and separating the various horizontal areas further, creating an element of delicate detail, which also in its repetition creates a sense of pattern. The bench is beautifully painted in dashes of varying tones of greys, hints of white, fresh olive greens, oranges, cherry reds, and brown ochres. These wonderful colours create a visual compositional expression of fresh energy, and vitality.