Oil Paintings

028 French Cafe


Oil on canvas, unframed


405mm x 605mm


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About this piece…

The use of repetitive shapes of angled chairs one behind the other emphasises pattern and depth into the painted scene, where two figures are seen. Pattern is further expressed in the iron grid behind the farthest figure, painted in warm ochre orange and red brown tones. Using repetitive vertical lines with delicate v shaped patterns between, this area becomes a beautiful shape of its own. The only unity expressed in the painting is the use of colouring. The rich ochre warm red browns move around the canvas. Emphasis on the strong red flowers on the top balcony to the right of the painting gives a further contrast to the whole. This is balanced by the front menu board, painted in strong white, lemon yellow and beige tones. The canopy has a wonderful angled square shape, painted in yellow peach tints, and off whites, which is contrasted dramatically with the strong dark red brown of the top left hand corner shape, creating an interesting compositional tension.

The lamp to the left of the painting seems to float next to the wall, yet compositionally we know it to be attached to the wall. Together with my signature in strong red to the right of the painting, a further interesting balance between the warm red brown on the wall to the left of the painting, and the peach tones surrounding the wall, are picked up in the background top right vertical window frame, suggestive of curtains.