Oil Paintings

039 Ireland Park Scene


Oil on canvas, framed


605mm x 905mm


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About this piece…

This painting emphasises depth. Using lush greens and subtle blue greys, with light and dark effect. The perspective lines move dramatically into the depth of the painting. The figures walk, as if out towards the viewer, whilst the figure behind walks into the farthest part of the painting. This creates an interesting contrast. The trees create strong vertical patterns furthermore leading ones eye into the painting. The negative spaces behind the trees also become interesting shapes of pattern and colour. White dapples of light reflection are expressed with dabs and dashes of soft greens and off whites, and pure whites between the leaves on the trees at the top central area of the painting, and an areas on the pathway in the front of the painting, creating wonderful soft pattern effect.

The colours used are predominantly shades of greens, with blue greys, and black greys with fresh whites. Also subtle cherry pinks are used as a wonderful contrast seen in the front right side of the painting and lower left side of the painting. The cherry red, being complimentary colour to the greens used creates a wonderful contrast and creates a further energy to the whole.


I chose three frames for this painting. It is vital that the frame or frames used should always enhance the overall mood and effect expressed in the painting as a whole. The frame needs to become a part of the painting. The inner frame is a thin olive green frame, which picks up the wonderful dabs and dashes of the leaves on the trees particularly to the left of the painting, yet also the background grass areas. The second middle frame is a blue green flat thicker frame, with hints of cherry red in, which further picks up the wonderful blue greens used with suggestions of subtle cherry red. I also felt this inner frame softens the blue greys of the tree trunks, and compliments the bright lemon greens at the top of the painting, and to the top left of the painting. I chose the thick white flat outer frame to emphasise the freshness of the painting, and to keep the open feel effect. Also the while flat frame pics up the wonderful white dapples of light on the pathway, and in the leaves at the top of the painting. And finally the white light captured on the sides of the tree trunks to the left of the painting, and the soft whites suggested in the pathway in the foreground and farthest background path to the right of the painting.