Oil Paintings

029 Landscape Lake Boathouse


Oil on canvas, framed


455mm x 305mm


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About this piece…

This interesting composition is made up predominantly of two triangular shapes in the foreground. The one to the left emphasises the calm water in soft white greys, whereas the right is expressed in textured impasto painterly effect, using dabs and dashes expressing rocks, grass and foliage, with shaded areas between. This also creates wonderful pattern effect, which up close looks almost abstract in colour and shape, yet on stepping back becomes evident to be an angled rock and foliage area.

The far distant mountains, on the horizon line of the waters edge, balances the two compositionally diagonal shapes in the foreground, using stronger muted blue greys, yet painted in flat effect, so as not to draw ones eye to that area, yet rather acts as a further interesting compositional shape, which together with the boathouse to the right, being a strong square shape, create an interesting dynamic contrast.


Using a thin inner olive green, and a thick white flat outer frame, the effect maintains, and emphasises, the calm still scene. The white of the frame helps give the feel of open space and continuity. The inner and outer frame also balance the dark greens of the tree to the right of the painting, which is further balanced by the interesting curved shape of the rocks in the water to the left of the tree, which is contrasted furthermore with the flat solid inner olive thin frame. The small delicate dotted expression of the fishing net is also picked up in expression by the inner olive frame which helps emphasise the horizontal theme, again in the distant waters edge.