Oil Paintings

051 Middle Eastern Building Scene


Oil on canvas, double framed


520mm x 460mm


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About this piece…

In this painting I show a more realistic, yet patterned expression of a home in the Middle East, with water tanks and television ariels on the roof tops. Hard brick walls are painted with a pattern effect of square and rectangular shapes expressed in varying shades of brown ochres, and off whites. Linden is shown hanging on washing lines out the windows to dry, and pipe work is seen just above the window.

In order to soften the stark shape of the building I emphasised the trees in the front of the composition using dabs and dashes of thick varying shades of greens. I further included some soft lime green shades to the top right corner of the painting to frame and soften the whole.

The pale blue flat sky also helps soften the subject matter, and creates interesting negative shapes to the right of the painting.


I used a simple thick flat white sunken inner frame to create the effect of space and calm, with a thin fresh deep blue green, and gold outer edge frame to help express contrast, and to emphasise the strength of the linear expression of the architectural subject matter of the composition as a whole.