Oil Paintings

044 South Africa Small Windmill Landscape


Oil on canvas, unframed


305mm x 255mm


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About this piece…

This painting of a windmill is a simple painting in concept, and composition. However the wonderful effects created with thick impasto dabs and dashes of paint create dynamic energy and expression. Using rich yellow ochres, mustard ochres, warm red browns, whites, and off whites with various shades of green, a wonderful effect of landscape is created. The distant horizon line is painted in fresh blue tones and tints which meet the mountains above in muted blues and subtle soft browns, which further above a wonderful fresh white, which creates a silhouette effect, then blending into the soft chalk blue sky, giving distance, and depth to the whole effect of the painting visually.

The darkest area apart from the windmill, is the interesting shape of the farthest landscape , which is suggested in blue greys, yellow and blue greens. The curved c shape to the left of the painting gives a wonderful edge to the painting furthermore compositionally, without which would be too flat.

Up close the painting has an almost abstract feel of fast moving textured brush marks, yet on stepping back the composition becomes clear, an Impressionistic technique of colour for colour sake, where paint too is enjoyed for paint sake. Where too the image is not just a record of history, but a wonderful expression of light and dark, colour, texture, shape and overall visual effect of the image as a whole.