Oil Paintings

003 Market Open Stall


Oil on canvas, unframed


260mm x 180mm


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About this piece…

The inspiration for this little painting was the wonderful character of the market place in the Old City street of Jerusalem. The colours, smells, and noise of the crowded people walking past, tourists predominantly and locals. I wanted to capture the effect of the products on display for sale being many, crammed into a small stall space. From weaved basket bags, to various oils and scents, to floor mats, table mats, small paintings and other tourist delights. The vocal point is clearly the interior of the shop, with the warm brown tones and by the depth of perspective shown, The dark greens of the plants in the pot plants, combined with the warm brown pot to the left of the painting, balances the painting from becoming too starkly central, as does the cut off door to the left of the painting.