Oil Paintings

041 French Street Cafe


Oil on canvas, unframed


900mm x 655mm


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About this piece…

This painting expresses colour and linear pattern. The soft ochre warm browns and soft mustard yellows, with off whites, and subtle suggestions of soft peach pinks are painted in well thought out block like shapes across the buildings, from left to right. The green leaves contrast dramatically with the strong vertical and horizontal shapes of the composition, framing the left side of the painting beautifully. The sky is a wonderful fresh soft chalk flat blue which creates a wonderful negative background shape, which is further picked up between the leaves on the right top corner of the painting.

The dark blue of the water of the sea creates an interesting triangular shape, leading ones eye into the composition from the left hand side. This is echoed by the two boats to the right of the painting, at the waters edge, which point inwards toward the pathway, yet again drawing ones eye into the composition of the painting. Beautiful pattern is created by the repetition of delicate linear lines, and soft wavy patterns of the balcony. Furthermore the repetition of vertical windows and doors painted in varying shades of soft blues, and blue greens, enhance the pattern effect expressed.