Oil Paintings

054 Icy Morning


Oil on canvas, unframed


325mm x 495mm


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About this piece…

The emphasis in this painting is to express a simple composition where the mood is still calm, yet bold and dramatic. By using etchy brush marks to express the cold icy water, a wonderful stark effect is given. The simplicity of the sailing boat is almost centrally placed in the composition, yet is set slightly to the right of the painting, with the emphasis on the angled mast, being more defined in a grey blue line to the right of the painting. Cold stark blue greys and flat greys are used, together with blue greens in the background trees, creating a further dynamic contrast to the large strong almost predominantly white flat areas of the water.

Blue green leaves, with hints of olive green are painted in a dappled effect loosely to the left of the painting, which is balanced by the slightly warmer tones of blue greens and olive greens to the right of the painting, which soften the overall effect of the composition.