Oil Paintings

047 Irish Landscape With Houses


Oil on canvas, framed


615mm x 465mm


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About this piece…

Using lovely shades of greens this painting beautifully expresses the lush countryside in a landscape setting. From fresh lively mint greens to olive greens, and ochre browns blended into areas of dark greens, with suggestions of bright yellow lime greens, the colouring of the painting expresses a strong energy throughout. Using thick impasto linear painterly effect in the foreground, with further loose brush marks to emphasise the long grass, furthermore highlighted with sharp white loose lines, the textural effect of the foreground grass dramatically stands out boldly in the composition. Contrasted with the farthest background of blended abstracted shapes of varying tints and tones of greens and soft brown ochres, suggestive of mountain areas and landscape.

The central area is a further interesting contrast of fast flowing water with linear blended shades of varying greens, and hints of subtle cherry reds. The white greys and fresh whites are suggestive of further movement in the water, and surfaces of flat rocks above the surface of the water.

And finally the white houses in the distance create a further interesting compositional dynamic and gives a sense of solidity and balance to the painting as a whole.


I chose a thin olive green inner frame, which beautifully picks up the greens of the painting. The second inner frame is a thicker white frame which slowly draws ones eye out of the painting, suggestive of further space. And finally the thick flat white outer frame compliments the painting by creating a calm, and a suggestion of further space, so as not to overcrowd the busy composition and patterned green colouring of the painting.