Oil Paintings

035 Lace Curtains Provence


Oil on canvas, double framed


470mm x 400mm


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About this piece…

I chose green as the predominant colour of the painting.Using varying tones and tints to suggest the reflections of light effect on the open shutters of the windows, and again picked up on the wrought iron fence to the left of the painting. The greens are again picked up in the plants behind the fence, in varying shades of greens, and darker blue greens in the plant leaves behind.

Further subtle dashes of green are picked up in the pot plant on the outer window ledge. Soft pinks and yellows with dashes of white are used to suggest flowers.

The thick impasto textured technique of the brick work in off whites, soft ochre browns, soft peach tones, and subtle suggestions of pale greys contrasts beautifully with the greens in the painting.

The lace of the curtain gives the impression of movement behind the window. Painted in delicate pattern of whites, against tones of greys, and grey whites.


I chose to frame this painting in a sunken white thick inner frame with a thin outer frame. The thick white inner frame brings a further calm to the painting effect as a whole, and the outer frame helps balance the painting in tones of blue grey with inner gold. This effect helps to balance the lace of the curtains with the blue greys behind, and delicate gold to subtly highlight the delicate lace of the curtain.