Oil Paintings

010 Peaceful Landscape


Oil on canvas, framed


465mm x 415mm


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About this piece…

This painting expresses the beautiful tranquility of the a magnificent view in France. The painting is made up of five distinct areas, being the sky, distant mountains, sea, front landscape area, and the old building with courtyard and pathway in the front. The painting is framed by the darker brown arch and balanced by the lantern to the right of the painting. Textured areas in warm yellows, yellow ochres, and browns in the foreground contrast with the strong greens of the frontal landscape area, and flat expression of the calm sea.


The painting sits snuggly in a sunken white inner thick frame, with a thinner more delicate soft blue-grey frame with a thin inner yellow gold as part of the outer frame. The frame pics up the mood of the painting, which I carefully considered in its choice. The frame being a vital aspect to the painting as a whole.