Oil Paintings

049 Peasant Woman


Oil on canvas, framed


780mm x 580mm


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About this piece

This painting tells a story of two woman, the one being a peasant woman, who is expressed with great emphasis on her fatigued sunken face. In contrast to the tourist who is absorbed in the grapes on sale, and depicted with no expression. The two figures seem to float upon the surface of the patterned stone floor, yet the pattern gives an interesting compositional diagonal line to the left and to the right, being suggestive of a diamond shape, which contrasts dramatically with the bold vertical doors behind.

Another interesting aspect of the story are the suggestion of the figures in the background, who all seem absorbed in their own worlds. The painting therefore is suggestive of capturing a theme, telling a story, rather than just paint on a tactile surface.


The colouring overall is predominantly blue greys, and blue greens, which is picked up in the bold frame. The frame furthermore also emphasises the use of compositional vertical and horizontal lines in the painting, which is picked up by the strong lines of the frame.