Oil Paintings

014 Provincial Pink Building


Oil on canvas, double sunken frame


655mm x 530mm


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About this piece…

Using dramatic contrasting shapes of light and dark shadows, together with interesting negative flat shapes of the sky, and flat pale pink and pale orange building, this painting shows remarkable pattern effect, yet still maintains a realistic, yet romantic effect. Together with a flat frontal visual of the pretty buildings with lovely open windows and delicate pot plants, the right side of the painting shows a depth perspective, continued with the windows which follow off into the street behind.An interesting triangular strong shape in the foreground to the right helps offset the starkness of the vertical and horizontal building. The textured dappled greens of the tree leaves create a further interesting contrast to the whole painting.


The framing I chose helps the overall effect with a large sunken inner frame, and a strong bold brown outer frame. The frame needs to add to the overall visual mood and effect of the whole, the framing enhances the strong visual contrasts expressed, yet keeps the whole fresh and maintains the dramatic yet very pretty overall effect of the painting.