Oil Paintings

050 The Lord In The Temple


Oil on canvas, double framed


500mm x 615mm


This item is not for sale. For commissions please contact Hannah.

About this piece…

I painted a whole Bible series depicting various events that took place. This one is a copy from a Bible image of the Lord Jesus ministering to His diciples in the Temple. Using soft blues, turquoise blues, whites, olive greens, stronger deep blues, and grey blues as the predominant theme of colouring, creating wonderful pattern effect. The negative shapes between the figures become an interesting feature of the whole. The brick work in the background further becomes an interesting expression of pattern through colour and repetition of shape. The colours of the brick pattern are the colouring used in the figures in the foreground, yet muted by washes of soft grey shadowing to show depth perspective.


The double frame softens the overall expression of the painting. However the outer frame emphasises the boldness of the pillars, and picks up the blue greens, and blue greys expressed in the painting.